MegRhythm Gentle Steam Eye Mask 멕리듬 스팀 수면 안대 12P
MegRhythm Gentle Steam Eye Mask 멕리듬 스팀 수면 안대 12P
멕리듬 스팀 수면 안대 12개입
- Unscented | 무향
- Chamomile | 카모마일향
This eye mask is a single-use eye mask and uses gentle, warm steam to soothe tired eyes and relax tension.
MegRhythm Steam Eye Mask stays at a comfortable temperature for 10 minutes, bathing eyes and the delicate eye area in warm steam. This “steam bath for the eyes” helps with deep release of the tension of the day and soothes the mind.
Suggested use
Use anytime, anywhere. Ideal for bath time, bedtime, travel, or after a long day in front of a computer screen. Simply open the pack when ready to use and slip over closed eyes. Lean back and keep eyes shut for 15-20 minutes before removing.
40°C 정도의 따뜻한 스팀이 눈을 포근하게 감싸 주며, 약 20분간 지속됩니다. 쉴 새 없이 일하고 있는 눈에 온찜질 효과를 주어 긴장감으로 부터 해방시켜 기분까지도 차분하게 달래줍니다.
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