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Sparkling Maple Water 스파클링 메이플 워터 355ml

Sparkling Maple Water 스파클링 메이플 워터 355ml

Regular price $2.99
Regular price Sale price $2.99
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Drink Simple Sparkling Maple Water 12 fl oz | 355ml

Drink Simple 스파클링 메이플 워터 12 fl oz | 355ml

We carbonate the water sourced from the maple tree and blend with only organic fruit and vegetable juices for a refreshing, hydrating and delicious sparkling beverage. Naturally full of antioxidants, electrolytes and prebiotics, this water is perfected in a tree and not in a factory. We don't add preservatives or any sweeteners. 

Plant based
No stevia, monkfruit or erythritol added

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어떠한 첨가물도 사용하지 않은 단풍나무 수액과 스파클링의 만남!

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